Our Mission
The mission of Citizens for Brentwood Green Space is to support and stimulate community action to preserve open space in the city of Brentwood.

Our Vision
We commit to seek opportunities to preserve for future generations open space in the city of Brentwood. We recognize the value and desirability of preserving the unique character and beauty of farmland, forests, and historic properties. We seek to preserve and expand access to land for walking, bicycling and other similar use and enjoyment.
CBGS seeks to unite the citizens of Brentwood in support of Brentwood leadership in their quest to manage growth while preserving the quality of life and maintaining low tax rates. Key to meeting that objective is to preserve open space in the form of parks, trails, flood plains and historic sites while being sensitive to the rights of landowners and developers.
We believe that preservation efforts must take into account the economic needs of the entire community. We strive for equitable balance of the environmental, social, and economic impact of proposed development and preservation activities.

CBGS explores and keeps citizens informed of viable means of preserving open land, the environment, and quality of Brentwood life. CBGS will propose initiatives, backed by informed citizens, in support of this mission.
Through a variety of means, including a website, we will offer information to citizens regarding opportunities and options for preserving open land. Information will be provided concerning alternative methods of preservation such as acquisition of undeveloped land, conservation easements, purchasing development rights and potential funding mechanisms. Citizens will be asked to participate in preservation activities and decisions.
Photos compliments of Angie Miller and City of Brentwood.